Mostec Swiss Electronics Custom Electronics min

Portable Micro-Ohmmeter type VG-BAT-x00-III

  • Battery powered
  • Lightweight and compact
  • Real measuring current  over whole measuring cycle
  • Measures with both sides grounded
  • Sunlight readable 5" IPS touch screen
  • Excellent noise immunity suitable for 400kV substations
  • USB PC-Interface and USB logger
  • Mobile phone control (optional)
Operating Instructions
Data Sheet
Advanced settings
VG-Win Software

Product Details: Portable Micro-Ohmmeter type VG-BAT-x00-III

The portable micro-ohmmeter VG-BAT-x00-III is used for resistance measurements of high power switches, high current bus bar joints, welding joints etc. The strengths of these instruments are the easy and intuitive handling, battery power, rugged design and low weight.

The VG-BAT-x00-III enables a real direct current measurement for highest accuracy. The current rises linear for 1 second than holds the preset current for 3 seconds and falls back within another 1 second, exactly the same way as grid powered units do.

The advanced build-in LiFePO4 battery offers maximum power with excellent safety and outstanding lifetime.

A 5" IPS touch screen graphic display, enables measurements in darkness, coldness and full sunlight.

An unlimited amount of measurements can be stored directly to an USB stick.

The USB PC-Interface is used to remote control the device or read out the results automatically by computer.

It is also possible to read out the device history or start a measurement with an Android phone or tablet. Thereafter send
the measurement data directly to your office.

The VG-BAT-200-III, with a weight of 5.2kg only, is very handy and easily transportable.

Typical applications are ohmic tests of:

  • Circuit breakers
  • Disconnecting switches
  • High current bus bar joints
  • Cable splices
  • Welding joints
  • Ground connections
  • Railway parts
  • Wind turbines
  • Electric vehicle applications